Research Interests
- Topics: Assortment Planning and Pricing, Retailing in Distribution Channels
- Methodologies: Optimization, Game Theory, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning
Doctoral Supervision (ATeam)
- Zhechao Yang (Expected 2025)
- Honggang Hu (2022, committee chair, first placement: Assistant Professor in Tongji University)
- Man Xie (2021, committee member, first placement: Assistant Professor in Arizona State University)
- Hongseok Jang (2021, committee chair, first placement: Assistant Professor in Tulane University)
- Quan Zheng (2018, committee chair, first placement: Assistant Professor in University of Science and Technology of China)
Publications (*Denote Former or Current Doctoral Student; UTD 24: Top 24 journals for UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings)
- H. Jang*, Q. Zheng*, X. A. Pan. 2025. Supplier Encroachment through an Online Marketplace. Production and Operations Management, Forthcoming. (UTD 24)
- Z. Atan, D. Honhon, X. A. Pan. 2024. Displaying and Discounting Perishables: Impact on Retail Profits and Waste. Management Science, Forthcoming. (UTD 24)
- Media Coverage: Simple display changes in grocery stores could cut food waste while boosting profits (UF News, Warrington School News)
- Y. Li*, G. Li, X. A. Pan. 2023. Optimal Return Shipping Insurance Policy with Consumers’ Anticipated Regret. Production and Operations Management 32(10): 3209-3226. (Second Prize in 2022 POMS-China Student Paper Competition, UTD 24)
- Media Coverage: New research highlights how retailers can optimize online returns (Warrington School News)
- Q. Zheng*, H. Hu*, X. A. Pan. 2023. Implications of Product Substitutability in a Distribution Channel. Production and Operations Management 32(6): 1636-1653. (UTD 24)
- H. Hu*, Q. Zheng*, X. A. Pan. 2022. Agency or Wholesale? The Role of Retail Pass-Through. Management Science 68(10): 7538-7554. (UTD 24)
- Media Coverage: Why wholesale selling persists, despite agency selling growth (Warrington School News)
- Q. Zheng*, H. Jang*, X. A. Pan. 2022. Store Brand Introduction and Multilateral Contracting. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 24(1): 467-484. (Honorable Mention in POMS-SCM College Best Student Paper Competition, UTD 24)
- Media Coverage: New research highlights why it’s advantageous to produce store brand products, even those that aren’t popular with customers (Warrington School News, Rearch Roundup)
- Q. Zheng*, X. A. Pan, A. Vakharia. 2021. Product Decoys: A Supply Chain Perspective. Production and Operations Management 30(9): 2858-2870. (UTD 24)
- Media Coverage: Why retailers sell generic brand items, despite low sales (Warrington School News)
- Q. Zheng*, X. A. Pan, A. Vakharia. 2020. Common Retailer Channel Revisited: The Role of Supply Network Size. Production and Operations Management 29(9): 2175-2181. (UTD 24)
- Media Coverage: New research highlights the impact of product substitutability on retailer and manufacturer profits (Warrington School News)
- D. Honhon, X. A. Pan, S. Jonnalagedda. 2020. In-Out Algorithm for Assortment Planning under a Ranking-based Consumer Choice Model. Operations Research Letters 48(3): 309-316. (Department A–/B+)
- M. Lin, X. A. Pan, Q. Zheng*. 2020. Platform Pricing with Strategic Buyers: The Impact of Future Production Cost. Production and Operations Management 29(5): 1122-1144. (UTD 24)
- Media Coverage: A guide to technology hardware pricing: New research highlights how companies can strategically price products, contrary to conventional pricing wisdom (Warrington School News)
- X. Ma*, F. Lu*, X. A. Pan, Y. Zhou*, X. Li, 2019. RetailNet: Enhancing Retails of Perishable Products with Multiple Selling Strategies via Pair-Wise Multi-Q Learning. Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Reinforcement Learning for Real Life Workshop. (Top Computer Science conference)
- Q. Zheng*, X. A. Pan, J. Carrillo. 2019. Probabilistic Selling for Vertically Differentiated Products with Salient Thinkers. Marketing Science 38(3): 365-561. (UTD 24)
- Media Coverage: Probabilistic selling a key for companies selling vertically differentiated products, UF Warrington study finds (Warrington School News)
- D. Honhon, X. A. Pan. 2017. Improving Profits by Bundling Vertically Differentiated Products. Production and Operations Management 26(8): 1481-1497. (UTD 24)
- X. A. Pan, D. Honhon. 2012. Assortment Planning for Vertically Differentiated Products. Production and Operations Management 21(2): 253-275. (won the Wickham Skinner Award for Best Paper Published in Production and Operations Management during 2012, UTD24)
- D. Honhon, S. Jonnalagedda, X. A. Pan. 2012. Optimal Algorithms for Assortment Selection under Ranking-Based Consumer Choice Models. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 14(2): 279-289. (UTD 24)
Selected Working Papers
- D. Wu*, G. Li, X. A. Pan. Probabilistic Services on a Ride-hailing Platform.
- Q. Zheng*, H. Hu*, X. A. Pan. Cross-Brand Pass-Through and Channel Pricing.
- Z. Yang*, H. Jang*, X. A. Pan. Probabilistic Selling for Vertically-Differentiated Products in a Decentralized Channel.
- Z. Yang*, L. Qiu, X. A. Pan. Corporate Prediction Markets in Hierarchical Organizations: The Impact of ‘yes men’.