
Research Areas

Corporate Governance, FinTech, Financial Institutions, Hedge Funds


  • Ph.D. in Economics, Columbia University, New York, 2013
  • M.A. in Statistics, Columbia University, New York, 2008
  • M.S. in Architecture and Urban Design, Columbia University, New York, 2005
  • Bachelor of Architecture, Tongji University, Shanghai, 2004

Published and Accepted Papers

Corporate Governance Meets Data and Technology,” with Wei Jiang, Survey of the literature in Foundations and Trends in Finance 14(2), 61-136, August 2024.

Shareholder Monitoring Through Voting: New Evidence from Proxy Contests,” with Alon Brav, Wei Jiang, and James Pinnington, Review of Financial Studies 37(2), 591-638, February 2024.

Social Networks and Hedge Fund Activism,” with Ellen Yazhou He, Review of Finance 26(5), 1267-1308, September 2022.

The Wisdom of Crowds in FinTech: Evidence from Initial Coin Offerings,” with Jongsub Lee and Donghwa Shin, Review of Corporate Finance Studies 11(1), 1-46, February 2022 (Editor’s Choice).

The Long Rise and Quick Fall of Appraisal Arbitrage,” with Wei Jiang and Randall Thomas, Boston University Law Review 100(6), 2133-2177, December 2020.

Investor Ideology,” with Patrick Bolton, Enrichetta Ravina, and Howard Rosenthal, Journal of Financial Economics 137(2), 320-352, August 2020.

“The Value of Access to Rail Transit in a Congested City: Evidence from Housing Prices in Beijing,” Real Estate Economics 48(2), 556-598, Summer 2020.

Seeking Out Non-Public Information: Sell-Side Analysts and the Freedom of Information Act,” with April Klein and Bobo Zhang, The Accounting Review 95(1), 233-257, January 2020.

“Influencing Control: Jawboning in Risk Arbitrage,” with Wei Jiang and Danqing Mei, Journal of Finance 73(6), 2635-2675, December 2018.

  • Best Paper Award, 2015 FMA Consortium on Activist Investors, Corporate Governance and Hedge Funds
  • Finalist, 2016 Crowell Memorial Prize, PanAgora Asset Management

“Outsourcing Corporate Governance: Conflicts of Interest Within the Proxy Advisory Industry,” Management Science 64(6), 2951-2971, June 2018.

“Appraisal: Shareholder Remedy or Litigation Arbitrage?” with Wei Jiang, Danqing Mei, and Randall Thomas, Journal of Law and Economics 59(3), 697-729, August 2016.

Other Academic Publications

Consumer Behavior and Food Prices during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Chinese Cities,” with Elaine Bixuan Yang and Frank Asche, Economic Inquiry 60(3), 1437-1460, July 2022.

Activist M&A Arbitrage in Acquirers,” with Wei Jiang and Danqing Mei (2018), Finance Research Letters 29, 156-161, June 2019.

Working Papers

Carbon Offsets: Decarbonization or Transition-Washing?” with Sehoon Kim and Yanbin Wu (2024). Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Finance

  • Presentations: European Finance Association 2024, 9th Cambridge Conference on Alternative Finance, Clemson ESG and Policy Research Conference, IRF Conference on Stakeholders in Corporate Finance and Investment, 10th IWH-FIN-FIRE Workshop
  • Best Paper Award, Summer Finance Roundtable 2024
  • Coverage: Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog, ECGI Blog

Re(call) of Duty: Mutual Fund Securities Lending and Proxy Voting,” with Qifei Zhu (2023). Presentations: SFS Cavalcade North America 2024, Recent Advances in Mutual and Hedge Fund Research (ESMT & Humboldt)

Variable Deposit Betas and Bank Interest Rate Risk Exposure,” with Mustafa Emin and Christopher James (2023). Presentations: European Finance Association 2024, OCC Bank Research Symposium, Community Banking Research Conference, NFA, Midwest Finance Association

DAO Governance,” with Jungsuk Han and Jongsub Lee (2023). Presentations: CBER Symposium – DAOs and DEXs, 28th Finance Theory Group Meeting, Gillmore Centre Conference on DeFi & Digital Currencies

Institutional Synergies and the Fragility of Loan Funds,” with Mustafa Emin, Christopher James, and Jing Lu (2021). Revise and Resubmit,  Review of Financial Studies

  • Presentations: AFA 2024, NBER Summer Institute, Utah, UT Dallas Finance Conference, FIRS, Fixed Income and Financial Institutions Conference, OCC Symposium on Emerging Risks in the Banking System, CICF, Financial Stability Board Conference
  • Semi-finalist, Best Paper Award, 2022 FMA Annual Conference

Power Tussle: Hedge Fund Activists and Short Sellers,” with Pedro Saffi and Daheng Yang (2021). Presentations: European Finance Association, SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific, NFA 2023, 6th CEIBS Finance & Accounting Symposium, Cambridge-Nova Workshop, CERF Cavalcade, Markit/S&P Securities Finance Forum

  • Winner of the INQUIRE Europe Award
  • Winner of the Best Paper in Corporate Finance, SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific 2022
  • Coverage: Institutional Investor magazine

Conflicting Objectives of ESG Funds: Evidence from Proxy Voting,” with Lakshmi Naaraayanan and Kunal Sachdeva (2021). Presentations: Workshop on Shareholder Voting (University of Zurich), Clemson University ESG Conference, CICF, Vanguard, International Monetary Fund

Cryptocurrency Pump-and-Dump Schemes,” with Donghwa Shin and Baolian Wang (2018). Conditionally Accepted, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis


The Dark Side of Decentralized Finance: Evidence from Meme Tokens,” with Donghwa Shin, Chuyi Sun, and Baolian Wang. Presentations: AEA, CICF, FMA

  • Semi-finalist, Best Paper Award, 2023 FMA Annual Conference

Social Networks and Investor Beliefs: Evidence from the Municipal Bond Market,” with Jing Lu. Presentations: Virtual Municipal Finance Workshop 2021, AFA Poster, Midwest Finance Association

CEO Compensation, Stakeholders, and Fairness: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic,” with Elaine Bixuan Yang. 

Older Working Papers

Picking Friends Before Picking (Proxy) Fights: How Mutual Fund Voting Shapes Proxy Contests,” with Alon Brav, Wei Jiang, and James Pinnington (2019), Columbia Business School Research Paper No. 18-16; ECGI Finance Working Paper No. 601/2019.

Acquiring and Trading on Complex Information: How Hedge Funds Use the Freedom of Information Act,” with April Klein (2015).

  • Best Paper Award, 2015 EFMA Annual Conference
  • Semi-finalist, Best Paper Award, 2015 FMA Annual Conference
  • Coverage: Barclay’s Insider Report

Fellowships and Honors

  • Nominee for the Excellence Award for Assistant Professors, University of Florida, 2021.
  • Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence on the MBA Program, Warwick Business School, 2015.
  • Best Paper in Corporate Finance, 2024 Summer Finance Roundtable of the Korean Securities Association: “Carbon Offsets: Decarbonization or Transition-Washing?
  • Best Paper in Corporate Finance, SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific 2022: “Power Grab: Hedge Fund Activists and Short Sellers.”
  • The Jensen Prize for Corporate Finance and Organizations, Journal of Financial Economics Best Paper Contest 2020, Second Place: “Investor Ideology.” 
  • The 2020 Aberdeen Standard Investments Finance Prize (ECGI Working Paper series): “Picking Friends Before Picking (Proxy) Fights: How Mutual Fund Voting Shapes Proxy Contests.”
  • The 2019 Aberdeen Standard Investments Finance Prize (ECGI Working Paper series): “Investor Ideology.” 
  • The 2018 INQUIRE Europe Award (€10,000), “Power Grab: Hedge Fund Activists and Short Sellers.
  • Best Paper Award, 2018 Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (CAFM): “The Wisdom of Crowds in FinTech: Evidence from Initial Coin Offerings.”
  • Finalist, 2016 Crowell Memorial Prize, PanAgora Asset Management: Influencing Control: Jawboning in Risk Arbitrage.
  • Best Paper Award, 2015 European Financial Management Association (EFMA): “Costs and Benefits of Acquiring Information: How Hedge Fund Managers Trade on the Freedom of Information Act.”
  • Semi-finalist, Best Paper Award, 2015 Financial Management Association (FMA): “Costs and Benefits of Acquiring Information: How Hedge Fund Managers Trade on the Freedom of Information Act.”
  • Best Paper Award, 2015 Consortium on Activist Investors, Corporate Governance and Hedge Funds: Influencing Control: Jawboning in Risk Arbitrage.
  • William Kinne Fellows Memorial Traveling Prize, Columbia University, 2005.

Selected Media Citations

Op-Eds and Other Writings

Journal Referee

Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, Review of Finance, Management Science, Review of Accounting Studies, Review of Corporate Finance Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, AEJ: Microeconomics, Real Estate Economics, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Corporate Finance, Finance Research Letters, Financial Analysts Journal, Quarterly Journal of Finance, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance

Grant Review

Government of Canada’s New Frontiers in Research Fund

Book Review

Merger Masters: Tales of Arbitrage (2018) by Kate Welling and Mario Gabelli (GAMCO Investors, Inc.)

Professional Service

  • Member of the 2024 Eastern Finance Association Executive Program Committee (Track Chair)
  • Member of the Program Committee for the Crypto and Blockchain Economics Research (CBER) Conference, 2021-2024
  • Member of the 2024 FMA Consortium on Asset Management Program Committee
  • Session chair, 2023 European Finance Association Annual Meeting
  • Member of the Program Committee and session chair for the 8th ICGS Conference (Corporate Governance in a Digital Era), 2022
  • Member of the Program Committee and session chair for the UF Research Conference on Machine Learning in Finance, 2022
  • Member of the Program Committee for the inaugural Hogeg Blockchain Research Institute Conference, 2021
  • Member of the Program Committee for the 2021 Florida Finance Conference
  • Member of the Best Paper Award Review Committee for the 2020 FMA Conference
  • Member of the 2020 Midwest Finance Association Program Committee
  • Member of the Program Committee for the 2019 FMA Consortium on Factor Investing
  • Member of the 2018 Eastern Finance Association Program Committee
  • Member of the Program Committee for the 2018 FMA Consortium on Trading Strategies and Institutional Investing
  • Member of the 2017 European Finance Association Program Committee
  • Member of the 2017 FMA Program Committee
  • Session chair, 2017 Shanghai Fintech Conference
  • Member of the Program Committee for the 2014 Frontiers of Finance Conference